• CBSE Aff. Code- 330337


Mrs Nabonita Ghosh Principal Sanghmitra Public School SIwan

Principal’s Message

Sanghmitra Public School leads the path where success can be experienced and excellence is reached. skills to meet the challenges of the future. In today’s era. we are geared up with extreme challenges so it calls for a system of learning that helps each and every student to understand the intricacies of the subject. It is the era of great dreams and aspirations. We stress on quality education.

One of the strengths of our school has been the synergy between our academic expectations and our efforts to create a safe and caring environment for all the students. Where they can be themselves and at the same time thrives academically.To justify our moto “Shradhawan Labhte gyanam” our dedicated staff and support personnel are committed to provide our students many opportunities with high expectations in order to fulfill academic and social growth of each child associated with us.The whole child is our focus. Stress on learning and academic achievement form a significant part of the development of a loving, compassionate. healthy and thoughtful world citizen.Throughout the curriculum. we focus on the ability to communicate understandings. apply knowledge to noble situation and to solve problem. Students get n number of platform for interaction through the school. access days/open house and the workshops. Encourage them to participate in all school activities and complete home assignments sincerely.

Every concern regarding progress is sorted out through Parents-Teacher open house. Parents must go through memoir which will help them to understand the policies and procedure of the school in an efficient and convenient way..

In this endeavor we need, dear parents. your who le hearted support. cooperation and sharing of your expertise with us. No doubt it is important for children to get good academic training. But The values inculcated by the parents and schools are pillars for their happy successful life..

Let us together make an endeavor to develop and groom our children into individual of whom we can be proud and who will forge ahead with their heads held high.

It will always be my priority to provide quality of education to maintain the highest standard in our school, and am sure I can count on your support at all times..

Nabonita Ghosh


B.Sc. (Phy. Hons.), B.Ed

M.A. (Eng.) M.A.(Edu.) MBA (HR)